When I see people who are actually DOING something, I wonder what the hell is wrong with me that I'm whining and bitching about.... NOTHING!!!
"Oooh- I'm not an Oscar winner"
"Oooh- why am I not a millionaire yet?"
"Where is Playboy with my invitation to move in?"
And then there are people who actually HAVE something to bitch about are just fighting and going forward, scratching for an opportunity, and Oprah making it possible.
I want to make things POSSIBLE for people.
And you can't do that when you're broke.
You can't do it when you aren't taking care of yourself first.
In the airplane emergencies, they tell you to put the mask on your OWN face first,
so that you can THEN take care of others.
This special was so wonderful- ANOTHER reason to let Oprah inspire me.
I hope it did the same for you.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Post-Oscar Party!
Not an particulary IMPORTANT show, but two quotes I MUST comment on:
"I started going to the reviews"
When Ellen Degeneres started getting nervous, she had to start VISUALIZING the reviews in her mind- the reviews she WANTED to see, the reviews that didn't exist yet.
That was powerful for me. I hope it was for you too.
"Look at what God can do"
Said by Jennifer Hudson about her winning the Oscar.
"what God can do?"
So if GOD did that, then not only did God also DENY the other nominees, but it also puts QUITE a limitation of God!
I mean, did she think it was BEYOND God's abilities?
"Look what God can do"- Wow- very good God- this is MUCH harder than creating the Universe!
It amazes me how much power we give God, and then how little we actually think of IT.
And oh yeah-
I think I'd mess around with Helen Mirren.
"I started going to the reviews"
When Ellen Degeneres started getting nervous, she had to start VISUALIZING the reviews in her mind- the reviews she WANTED to see, the reviews that didn't exist yet.
That was powerful for me. I hope it was for you too.
"Look at what God can do"
Said by Jennifer Hudson about her winning the Oscar.
"what God can do?"
So if GOD did that, then not only did God also DENY the other nominees, but it also puts QUITE a limitation of God!
I mean, did she think it was BEYOND God's abilities?
"Look what God can do"- Wow- very good God- this is MUCH harder than creating the Universe!
It amazes me how much power we give God, and then how little we actually think of IT.
And oh yeah-
I think I'd mess around with Helen Mirren.
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
Friday, February 23, 2007
Oscar Hype....
There is a well-known tactic in Holywood that has to do with "Ending Amnesia" and here's what it is:
If the last 15 minutes of a movie are good, the audience will forget the drudgery of the previous hour and a half.
Little Miss Sunshine is one of those movies.
It is a classic indie film, in that it is like digging through dirt. You dig, and dig, and dig, and then you find a gem. There are DEFINITELY a few gems as you watch, but it is mostly dirt. And then the end is very possibly one of the best endings, and it seems like the entire movie is based around this one joke at the end.
And it will give you the "Ending Amnesia".
Don't think so? Watch the film, but turn it off before she does her final dance, and tell me what you think. Then watch the end, and you will see how different you feel.
With that being said, I'm glad it was made, and I am happy for Greg Kinnear and everyone else in it. I just felt like I should educate you on that tactic.
As for "Hide and Go get", we used to play "Run, Catch, Kiss", where you did exactly that.
The girls would chase the boys, and if they caught you, you had to kiss them.
It took a YEAR before I figured out that I should let myself get caught.
But then again, I think I was stirring the pot of anticipation....
Anyway, once all the boys had been caught, it was the girls' time to run.
Don't we STILL play that game?
See you after the oscars!
If the last 15 minutes of a movie are good, the audience will forget the drudgery of the previous hour and a half.
Little Miss Sunshine is one of those movies.
It is a classic indie film, in that it is like digging through dirt. You dig, and dig, and dig, and then you find a gem. There are DEFINITELY a few gems as you watch, but it is mostly dirt. And then the end is very possibly one of the best endings, and it seems like the entire movie is based around this one joke at the end.
And it will give you the "Ending Amnesia".
Don't think so? Watch the film, but turn it off before she does her final dance, and tell me what you think. Then watch the end, and you will see how different you feel.
With that being said, I'm glad it was made, and I am happy for Greg Kinnear and everyone else in it. I just felt like I should educate you on that tactic.
As for "Hide and Go get", we used to play "Run, Catch, Kiss", where you did exactly that.
The girls would chase the boys, and if they caught you, you had to kiss them.
It took a YEAR before I figured out that I should let myself get caught.
But then again, I think I was stirring the pot of anticipation....
Anyway, once all the boys had been caught, it was the girls' time to run.
Don't we STILL play that game?
See you after the oscars!
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Your BEST LIFE Diet...
50% Body Fat? Wow.
That means that 50% of your body does NOTHING.
Is it that our MINDS are doing nothing? Are we ALL so unhappy?
While a majority of us are obese, anorexia is also on the rise.
Does that make sense? Are we all so "Body image" crazy that we either go one way or the other?
It CAN'T be all about our bodies-
We all kinda agree that anorexics are sad about something, and that's why they don't eat.
Also, each of the participants had some sadness inside, and it's apparently showing itself as fat. Oprah said that there were things she had to work out before she could really start to win the fight (by the way, she IS still fat- why is she talking like she's not?).
Why are we all so unhappy?
If obesity is unhappiness, and MOST OF AMERICA is overweight, and we are the most advanced country in the world, what's the problem?
I admit that I've been looking at myself in the mirror a lot lately (wanting to stay cute!), and when all of these people showed their old pictures, they WERE healthy and thin. So what changed?
I think we need to be vigilant about our happiness, and to guard it. Maybe as small decisions make you sad, they make the bigger ones easier. It can be a slippery slope.
That's it- stay happy!
That means that 50% of your body does NOTHING.
Is it that our MINDS are doing nothing? Are we ALL so unhappy?
While a majority of us are obese, anorexia is also on the rise.
Does that make sense? Are we all so "Body image" crazy that we either go one way or the other?
It CAN'T be all about our bodies-
We all kinda agree that anorexics are sad about something, and that's why they don't eat.
Also, each of the participants had some sadness inside, and it's apparently showing itself as fat. Oprah said that there were things she had to work out before she could really start to win the fight (by the way, she IS still fat- why is she talking like she's not?).
Why are we all so unhappy?
If obesity is unhappiness, and MOST OF AMERICA is overweight, and we are the most advanced country in the world, what's the problem?
I admit that I've been looking at myself in the mirror a lot lately (wanting to stay cute!), and when all of these people showed their old pictures, they WERE healthy and thin. So what changed?
I think we need to be vigilant about our happiness, and to guard it. Maybe as small decisions make you sad, they make the bigger ones easier. It can be a slippery slope.
That's it- stay happy!
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
Bill O'Reilly? AGAIN??
Ok, so now we can see just how committed Oprah is to putting away child molesters-
She had Bill O'Reilly on again.
I already wrote about my feelings about child molesters in a previous post...
I felt for Todd Bequette, and I think it takes enormous courage to go on TV and talk about it.
Whoever is running around wondering why the kids don't run- Shut up.
Adult, TRAINED military men get captured in war and brainwashed; what chance do you think a child has?
Anyway- here's the problem with Bill O'Reilly:
"They're evil, they're evil; We have an obligation to get rid of them"
He happens to be talking about child molesters in this case, but I have a feeling that those words are said in relation to a GREAT MANY people. Blacks, Jews, Gays, Rappers, The Dixie Chicks, etc.
He's an intelligent, passionate guy, and I think he's a leader- but he seems unable to hear.
If he's under the impression that he has "The Answer", there seems to be no way to give him another side.
Being Gay was EVIL a few years ago, wasn't it?
Well, I happen to think this situation IS horrible, and definitely needs a punishment.
Remember my other post.
But what happens when we hear about someone who is "sick"; will we try to help her, or will we get rid of her?
Just asking.
She had Bill O'Reilly on again.
I already wrote about my feelings about child molesters in a previous post...
I felt for Todd Bequette, and I think it takes enormous courage to go on TV and talk about it.
Whoever is running around wondering why the kids don't run- Shut up.
Adult, TRAINED military men get captured in war and brainwashed; what chance do you think a child has?
Anyway- here's the problem with Bill O'Reilly:
"They're evil, they're evil; We have an obligation to get rid of them"
He happens to be talking about child molesters in this case, but I have a feeling that those words are said in relation to a GREAT MANY people. Blacks, Jews, Gays, Rappers, The Dixie Chicks, etc.
He's an intelligent, passionate guy, and I think he's a leader- but he seems unable to hear.
If he's under the impression that he has "The Answer", there seems to be no way to give him another side.
Being Gay was EVIL a few years ago, wasn't it?
Well, I happen to think this situation IS horrible, and definitely needs a punishment.
Remember my other post.
But what happens when we hear about someone who is "sick"; will we try to help her, or will we get rid of her?
Just asking.
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
Nate the Magician!
I live in New York, and YES- those teeny-tiny apartments exist.
But really- why submit TWO cats to living in that teeny-tiny space?
Aren't they better off in a CAGE??
But I have to admit, I was SO happy for that woman when she saw her place.
I was proud of her for buying it with her last pennies, and proud of her for
being proud of it.
As the population keeps growing, will we ALL live in small spaces?
Better buy some real estate!!
But really- why submit TWO cats to living in that teeny-tiny space?
Aren't they better off in a CAGE??
But I have to admit, I was SO happy for that woman when she saw her place.
I was proud of her for buying it with her last pennies, and proud of her for
being proud of it.
As the population keeps growing, will we ALL live in small spaces?
Better buy some real estate!!
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
Monday, February 19, 2007
Tidy, Glam, and OCD!!!
WOWZA- what partays this guy throws!!! Holy CRAP!
Is it me, or did that party at the Met Opera House have a bunch of Black men dressed as Genies walking around.... and they were the only black people there, right? Ok...
I guess that was part of the theme.
Anyhow- Colin has some OCD goin' on there with his cabinets and his closets- but DAMN THEY LOOK GOOD!!!!
I need to get rich because I could hear my own mind: "That's ridiculous- they spent all that on a wedding?"
I evidently still need to grow my wealth mind- AMEN!!
Is it me, or did that party at the Met Opera House have a bunch of Black men dressed as Genies walking around.... and they were the only black people there, right? Ok...
I guess that was part of the theme.
Anyhow- Colin has some OCD goin' on there with his cabinets and his closets- but DAMN THEY LOOK GOOD!!!!
I need to get rich because I could hear my own mind: "That's ridiculous- they spent all that on a wedding?"
I evidently still need to grow my wealth mind- AMEN!!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
I don't always catch the "After the Show", but this one warranted it...
"I'm available to more good than I've ever experienced, realized, or imagined before"
But what I want to talk about is this quote:
"The easiest way to get something is when you don't need it"
-Ain't THAT the truth!! The feelings of "neediness" and "Desperation" always drive away what you want. Now, we've heard all about the people who NEEDED soemthing so badly, they worked hard to get it- but those people aren't in the "needy" feeling; they are DOING something about it, and their faith is in the WINNING, not in the desperation of "maybe losing".
I guess.
The way it hit home for me was that when you are broke, and owe money, the bank WON'T lend you any. The time to borrow money is when you DON'T need it. Then the banks trip over themselves to give it to you, don't they? I now get so many credit card applications in the mail it's silly, but when I have needed cash, it's near impossible to borrow it.
I guess it's the same with other things and the Universe. If I am "needing" an audition, I have tended to blow it. In fact, I just booked an industrial that I didn't even really want, and so I joked around the whole time. But when I've had one that I KNEW was going to be "it", I have choked, or someone else got it, or whatever.
So, I robbed myself of enjoying the audition because I "needed" it.
Even with Laura sometimes I get all needy, and want to be told how great I am, and that she loves me, and all that; and I can see how it turns her off.
Even though I AM great!! :-)
So why ROB ourselves of the enjoyment of NOW just because we THINK we "need" something?
Enjoy NOW- and be open to other stuff. It'll come when you don't NEED it.
and THEN you can bitch and moan and say "HEY UNIVERSE!!- I could have USED it before!!!"
"I'm available to more good than I've ever experienced, realized, or imagined before"
But what I want to talk about is this quote:
"The easiest way to get something is when you don't need it"
-Ain't THAT the truth!! The feelings of "neediness" and "Desperation" always drive away what you want. Now, we've heard all about the people who NEEDED soemthing so badly, they worked hard to get it- but those people aren't in the "needy" feeling; they are DOING something about it, and their faith is in the WINNING, not in the desperation of "maybe losing".
I guess.
The way it hit home for me was that when you are broke, and owe money, the bank WON'T lend you any. The time to borrow money is when you DON'T need it. Then the banks trip over themselves to give it to you, don't they? I now get so many credit card applications in the mail it's silly, but when I have needed cash, it's near impossible to borrow it.
I guess it's the same with other things and the Universe. If I am "needing" an audition, I have tended to blow it. In fact, I just booked an industrial that I didn't even really want, and so I joked around the whole time. But when I've had one that I KNEW was going to be "it", I have choked, or someone else got it, or whatever.
So, I robbed myself of enjoying the audition because I "needed" it.
Even with Laura sometimes I get all needy, and want to be told how great I am, and that she loves me, and all that; and I can see how it turns her off.
Even though I AM great!! :-)
So why ROB ourselves of the enjoyment of NOW just because we THINK we "need" something?
Enjoy NOW- and be open to other stuff. It'll come when you don't NEED it.
and THEN you can bitch and moan and say "HEY UNIVERSE!!- I could have USED it before!!!"
Friday, February 16, 2007
The Secret- The Reaction!!!
Ok, so I am REALLY glad that THE SECRET is getting all of this attention; I have been recommending it, and MAKING people watch it, and I keep hearing how much people like it.
Please get yourself a copy.
Even if you've seen it- the producers DESERVE to make money for making it. I would like to make a bunch of jokes here, but truthfully, I just really like this topic, and these episodes. Here are some quotes:
"Thanks FOR GIVING me that experience"
"The Universe doesn't care what you WANT, but cares about what you're INTERESTED in"
"Being FOR something as opposed to being AGAINST something"
"Mediocrity attacks excellence"
"Anytime you get fired, you should say thank you"
Here's my whole take on this SECRET- don't let it blow your mind too much:
If TIME is really all an illusion, and
If ALL possibilities of EVERYTHING exist, and
If your MIND attracts certain things and circumstances to you,
Then here's what I think:
Your MIND chooses between the different realities- every second.
So, the YOU who opened this blog, is different than the you who is reading this.
At the time you opened it, REALITY split, and the YOU who is reading this now,
In another reality, that you is reading about something TOTALLY different.
Get that? Weird- what do YOU think?
Please get yourself a copy.
Even if you've seen it- the producers DESERVE to make money for making it. I would like to make a bunch of jokes here, but truthfully, I just really like this topic, and these episodes. Here are some quotes:
"Thanks FOR GIVING me that experience"
"The Universe doesn't care what you WANT, but cares about what you're INTERESTED in"
"Being FOR something as opposed to being AGAINST something"
"Mediocrity attacks excellence"
"Anytime you get fired, you should say thank you"
Here's my whole take on this SECRET- don't let it blow your mind too much:
If TIME is really all an illusion, and
If ALL possibilities of EVERYTHING exist, and
If your MIND attracts certain things and circumstances to you,
Then here's what I think:
Your MIND chooses between the different realities- every second.
So, the YOU who opened this blog, is different than the you who is reading this.
At the time you opened it, REALITY split, and the YOU who is reading this now,
In another reality, that you is reading about something TOTALLY different.
Get that? Weird- what do YOU think?
I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks...
John Edwards, and the "Medium" chick... that's cool.
Do I believe?
I gotta admit, I kinda do. I just believe that there's a whole lot out there, and there are wacky energies around, and maybe we can "tune in" sometimes.
FM waves are all around us, but you can only tune in with a radio.
In Star Trek, one of the ways Humans discover that there are other beings in the galaxy is that some scientists happened to realize that some new crystal they made was vibrating. When they tuned in, they heard new languages, and it turns out it was sub-space radio.
Along the same lines, I can imagine that there are other communications out there-
Do I believe?
I gotta admit, I kinda do. I just believe that there's a whole lot out there, and there are wacky energies around, and maybe we can "tune in" sometimes.
FM waves are all around us, but you can only tune in with a radio.
In Star Trek, one of the ways Humans discover that there are other beings in the galaxy is that some scientists happened to realize that some new crystal they made was vibrating. When they tuned in, they heard new languages, and it turns out it was sub-space radio.
Along the same lines, I can imagine that there are other communications out there-
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
That husband with the surprise- good work dude;
I thought I did well by taking my woman to a salsa dancing class.
You made me look like a chump- but that's cool.
I'm mad at Angela Basset. Before for only one reason, but now for two.
The first reason is that SHE didn't play STORM in the X-MEN movies.
She would have been great.
I'm just mad at her because... well, because!
The other stories were too cute to really make fun of;
I have o admit a little tear dropped out of my eye with the downic kids.
Whatever- Happy Valentine's day- I'm going to go get some nookie!!!
I thought I did well by taking my woman to a salsa dancing class.
You made me look like a chump- but that's cool.
I'm mad at Angela Basset. Before for only one reason, but now for two.
The first reason is that SHE didn't play STORM in the X-MEN movies.
She would have been great.
I'm just mad at her because... well, because!
The other stories were too cute to really make fun of;
I have o admit a little tear dropped out of my eye with the downic kids.
Whatever- Happy Valentine's day- I'm going to go get some nookie!!!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Dr. Oz- Because of the wonderful things he does!
Ok, a rather candid day today- LEMON- FLAVORED DOUCHES???
If you ask me, it sounds like a GREAT idea, but if it puts the vag-a-ja out of commission, I guess it's a bad thing.
Not much to say here except that I'm gonna go try some acupuncture, and when Dr. Oz said that men don't care about cellulite-
Yeah, right.
And women don't care about money.
If you ask me, it sounds like a GREAT idea, but if it puts the vag-a-ja out of commission, I guess it's a bad thing.
Not much to say here except that I'm gonna go try some acupuncture, and when Dr. Oz said that men don't care about cellulite-
Yeah, right.
And women don't care about money.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Amazing Kids- making us all look like idiots....
Oh My God- I've reached the age that "Amazing kids" are cute... They used to be my competition; my mom would watch these shows, and give me this "So- what can YOU do" look:
"YOU aren't trying to cure cancer!"
"Can't you SING or something?"
"What about juggle? Here- CATCH!"
But now, watching these kids, I'm filled with hope for humanity.
The little puffs on the Opera singing girl were ADORABLE!
I've decided that MY kid is going to be the YOUNGEST kid to ever walk...
"When you follow your passion, great things happen"
"YOU aren't trying to cure cancer!"
"Can't you SING or something?"
"What about juggle? Here- CATCH!"
But now, watching these kids, I'm filled with hope for humanity.
The little puffs on the Opera singing girl were ADORABLE!
I've decided that MY kid is going to be the YOUNGEST kid to ever walk...
"When you follow your passion, great things happen"
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
The Little Boy Oprah Couldn't Forget...
Even before the show started- just watching the commercials for the show- I knew I was going to have to get ready to have my heart chewed up and stomped on.
And there ya go.
$20 for a kid.
20 bucks. It's LESS than a date to the movies, WITHOUT any snacks.
Ok, so here you can see the power of journalism; some woman does a story, a lady reads it and goes and saves a bunch of kids (after losing her own son!), and Oprah sheds some more light on the problem.
"What one woman can do to make a difference"
I'm writing about this whole mess in my Personal Blog too.
And there ya go.
$20 for a kid.
20 bucks. It's LESS than a date to the movies, WITHOUT any snacks.
Ok, so here you can see the power of journalism; some woman does a story, a lady reads it and goes and saves a bunch of kids (after losing her own son!), and Oprah sheds some more light on the problem.
"What one woman can do to make a difference"
I'm writing about this whole mess in my Personal Blog too.
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
Thursday, February 8, 2007
What is THE SECRET???
I also recommend the CD's.
I've actually blogged about it already on my personal blog.
Did you SEE how EXCITED everyone was- talking over each other, and all wanting to get it all out?
I'm glad that chick took the diamond out of her head-
too funky.
Anyway- so our THOUGHTS about something generate FEELINGS, and those FEELINGS send out a VIBRATION into the Universe- ATTRACTING similar circumstances, and that means:
"That everyone in this audience, and everyone that's listening can release themselves from being a victim, and begin to take control of their life's destiny"
DESTINY- made me think of "Destiny's Child"...
I wouldn't mind getting control of Destiny's Child!!
You get the FEELINGS by controllong your THOUGHTS- here's what MY thoughts often sound like:
"I am GRATEFUL for my finances..... EVEN THOUGH I WISH I WERE RICH!!!"
So, you gotta get into the FEELINGS, so you VIBRATE with the right energy-
It works for Money, for Health, and for Relationships. In short:
That's right- BECOME A VIBRATOR, and you'll get richer, get healthier, and your woman will be happy.
#1- VIBRATORS command great fees- if they're good ones!
#2- VIBRATORS are healthy- they GET PLENTY OF EXCERCISE (That's not all they get!)
#3- VIBRATORS have great relationships (see #2)
So get out there, think, feel and ACT like a VIBRATOR, and your whole life will work out-
and THAT's THE SECRET!!!!!!
I also recommend the CD's.
I've actually blogged about it already on my personal blog.
Did you SEE how EXCITED everyone was- talking over each other, and all wanting to get it all out?
I'm glad that chick took the diamond out of her head-
too funky.
Anyway- so our THOUGHTS about something generate FEELINGS, and those FEELINGS send out a VIBRATION into the Universe- ATTRACTING similar circumstances, and that means:
"That everyone in this audience, and everyone that's listening can release themselves from being a victim, and begin to take control of their life's destiny"
DESTINY- made me think of "Destiny's Child"...
I wouldn't mind getting control of Destiny's Child!!
You get the FEELINGS by controllong your THOUGHTS- here's what MY thoughts often sound like:
"I am GRATEFUL for my finances..... EVEN THOUGH I WISH I WERE RICH!!!"
So, you gotta get into the FEELINGS, so you VIBRATE with the right energy-
It works for Money, for Health, and for Relationships. In short:
That's right- BECOME A VIBRATOR, and you'll get richer, get healthier, and your woman will be happy.
#1- VIBRATORS command great fees- if they're good ones!
#2- VIBRATORS are healthy- they GET PLENTY OF EXCERCISE (That's not all they get!)
#3- VIBRATORS have great relationships (see #2)
So get out there, think, feel and ACT like a VIBRATOR, and your whole life will work out-
and THAT's THE SECRET!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
De-Clutter or get no SEX!!!
I dunno about you, but that's pretty much all I heard!
I started thinking "Do I want to hold on to that bag of 500 STAR WARS TIES, or do I want to get my woman in the mood"?
- But wait, don't the Star Wars Ties turn her ON?
I really liked that he said clutter is either "I might need it ater" or it's "Memories". I have to admit, I don't have too many "Memories" stuff, but I am MUCH more of a "I might need it later" guy:
Maybe I DON'T need all of those extra stereo parts, wires, speakers, computer parts, digital clocks, and old sex toys.
Old sex toys?
Ok, Ok, so now I'm scanning the house for what else I can throw out or sell on Craig's List
Didn't think of THAT did you? Well, if you want some Star Wars Ties, better let me know!
I started thinking "Do I want to hold on to that bag of 500 STAR WARS TIES, or do I want to get my woman in the mood"?
- But wait, don't the Star Wars Ties turn her ON?
I really liked that he said clutter is either "I might need it ater" or it's "Memories". I have to admit, I don't have too many "Memories" stuff, but I am MUCH more of a "I might need it later" guy:
Maybe I DON'T need all of those extra stereo parts, wires, speakers, computer parts, digital clocks, and old sex toys.
Old sex toys?
Ok, Ok, so now I'm scanning the house for what else I can throw out or sell on Craig's List
Didn't think of THAT did you? Well, if you want some Star Wars Ties, better let me know!
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
Wild Hogs... sorta.
Ok, hold it. Four men talking for an HOUR, all about mid-life crises and riding motorcycles-
I'm not saying that they WERE doing it, but guys TALK about it, don't we?
That's cool; I was just glad to have a whole episode devoted to calling each other names, writing songs denegrating each other, and over-boasting-
I'm not saying that they WERE doing it, but guys TALK about it, don't we?
That's cool; I was just glad to have a whole episode devoted to calling each other names, writing songs denegrating each other, and over-boasting-
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Why is grandma walking around naked?
OK, so I'm all for real beauty at any age and all of that, but I have to admit that I'd be a little freaked out if I saw my grandma NAKED on a billboard in Times Square.
Am I alone here?
All the women on this show were super-cute, and the make-overs are admittedly my favorite things; It's just neat-o to see this frumpy raggedy thing become a sexy vibrant woman- it's like magic!
That's what you gotta do- you gotta find a woman who doesn't know she's hot, and then "bring it out" of her- it's like bargain shopping!
My mom couldda been on the show- she looks great for her age, and I'm SURE she's watching just waiting to see if anyone beats her!
Hold on- I guess my Mom would be the right age to be on that Times Square Billboard...
That would be worse I think...
"Mom, put your clothes on!"
Am I alone here?
All the women on this show were super-cute, and the make-overs are admittedly my favorite things; It's just neat-o to see this frumpy raggedy thing become a sexy vibrant woman- it's like magic!
That's what you gotta do- you gotta find a woman who doesn't know she's hot, and then "bring it out" of her- it's like bargain shopping!
My mom couldda been on the show- she looks great for her age, and I'm SURE she's watching just waiting to see if anyone beats her!
Hold on- I guess my Mom would be the right age to be on that Times Square Billboard...
That would be worse I think...
"Mom, put your clothes on!"
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
Saturday, February 3, 2007
THIS is what I like- Rags to Riches!
Millionaire Mom "Sherry"- Crafty, Cutey, CASH-BABY!!!!
So, she used her cute idea, went to the internet, and started glueing them in her basement. One year later, Their business was bought for 20 MILLION DOLLARS.
Yeah baby.
Now look, there's a BIG difference between selling stuff out of your basement and moving to a 12,000 sq. foot facility, and 3000 retail stores. It's an entirely different skill set, and it was pretty evident that she's learned a lot along the way. As a FAMILY business, their marriage is more likely to last- sorry guys!
Then cutesy grandma Paula Dean came out, sounding like Sherrif Buford T. Justice from Smokey and the Bandit. A broke, single mother of two with AGORAPHOBIA cooks to calm her nerves, and then started selling her sandwiches.
So, we get to watch her cook something, and in one of the funniest Oprah moments, she DROPS THE BOWL into the mixer!
Just as her son was saying "Yeah, I'm nervous- Momma's on OPRAH toda-" and BOOM!!
Sour cream everywhere!
Then we got to watch some skinny chicks in wedding dresses. I admit- I think I like the cocktail dress the most, but only because it WASN'T a wedding dress!
Then there was the Scrap metal chick- "If he can do it, I can do it"
It became a little bit of a bitch session about the men who didn't think she;d make it-
She proved 'em wrong, and aren't we all proud.
Bra clips- Meh.
Round changing pad- Good move
Days Ago- Seems like a good idea, seems like a sad state that we need them!
So now, what's MY woman gonna make to get us rich, huh?
I'll let you know!
So, she used her cute idea, went to the internet, and started glueing them in her basement. One year later, Their business was bought for 20 MILLION DOLLARS.
Yeah baby.
Now look, there's a BIG difference between selling stuff out of your basement and moving to a 12,000 sq. foot facility, and 3000 retail stores. It's an entirely different skill set, and it was pretty evident that she's learned a lot along the way. As a FAMILY business, their marriage is more likely to last- sorry guys!
Then cutesy grandma Paula Dean came out, sounding like Sherrif Buford T. Justice from Smokey and the Bandit. A broke, single mother of two with AGORAPHOBIA cooks to calm her nerves, and then started selling her sandwiches.
So, we get to watch her cook something, and in one of the funniest Oprah moments, she DROPS THE BOWL into the mixer!
Just as her son was saying "Yeah, I'm nervous- Momma's on OPRAH toda-" and BOOM!!
Sour cream everywhere!
Then we got to watch some skinny chicks in wedding dresses. I admit- I think I like the cocktail dress the most, but only because it WASN'T a wedding dress!
Then there was the Scrap metal chick- "If he can do it, I can do it"
It became a little bit of a bitch session about the men who didn't think she;d make it-
She proved 'em wrong, and aren't we all proud.
Bra clips- Meh.
Round changing pad- Good move
Days Ago- Seems like a good idea, seems like a sad state that we need them!
So now, what's MY woman gonna make to get us rich, huh?
I'll let you know!
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
A Bunch of Suprises for Oprah!
I have to admit- The first act, David and Dania is really amazing- like
"WHAT THE F*CK?" They were on "America's Got Talent" before, Here it is:
But the STAR of this episode, as far as I'm concerned is Sarah Blakely and SPANX-
She had an idea, she took the $5000 she had in her savings, and made her vision into $100 Million in sales- and did I tell you hot HOT she is??

And then she did it:
She gave away ONE MILLION DOLLARS to Oprah's foundation.
By the way, when I saw the brothers and their AMAZING feats of strength, I got 5 words for them:
Dude- how do you get your LEGS that STRONG??? HOLY CRAP!!!!
39 and 41.... damn.
I felt better when I saw how short one of them was!
I don't do no crosswords, but I have to admit, I felt a little.... FEMININE
when I was guessing the "Oprah Crossword"
That "Self-Parking Car" was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lame!!!
But then again, it doesn't HAVE to do the job really well to do it better than a lot of women, right? It'll sell until people realize it doesn't work!
"WHAT THE F*CK?" They were on "America's Got Talent" before, Here it is:
But the STAR of this episode, as far as I'm concerned is Sarah Blakely and SPANX-
She had an idea, she took the $5000 she had in her savings, and made her vision into $100 Million in sales- and did I tell you hot HOT she is??

And then she did it:
She gave away ONE MILLION DOLLARS to Oprah's foundation.
By the way, when I saw the brothers and their AMAZING feats of strength, I got 5 words for them:
Dude- how do you get your LEGS that STRONG??? HOLY CRAP!!!!
39 and 41.... damn.
I felt better when I saw how short one of them was!
I don't do no crosswords, but I have to admit, I felt a little.... FEMININE
when I was guessing the "Oprah Crossword"
That "Self-Parking Car" was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lame!!!
But then again, it doesn't HAVE to do the job really well to do it better than a lot of women, right? It'll sell until people realize it doesn't work!
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
Death Defying- Oprah Style
Ok, the end of this episode has one of the STRANGEST, CRAZIEST throwaway quotes- I can't wait to talk about it. But let's start at the beginning:
"Teddy-Bear isn't a very manly (name), but..."
And there ya go- that's why this guy DEFIES DEATH by eating termites, jumping into frozen waters, bites fish's heads off, eats raw eggs, eats dead zebra carcasses and fights off sharks-
Because they called him "Teddy Bear"
So, instead of becoming an over-weight, furry, cuddly guy, he became "BEAR" and has his own SURVIVAL TV show.
And for the ladies- he got naked. I wanna get all those oohs and ahhhs when I get naked!
And then came the ELECTRIFYING experience!
Did you SEE those pants?
Bleeding out of his EYE?
Wait- 30 MILLION volts?
and what does he say?
"It hurt really bad"- They are friends for LIFE now!
Good thing he was praying to God to help him and his friend out of it:
"Dear God, please send someone to save us from the lightning you sent"
"Dear God, please help me to remember the CPR so I can save the friend you killed"
Yes, I sound cynical, but so what?
By the way- Flash Avalanches are why I don't ski.
Ok, Ok, also because I'm Latino- I like BEACHES, not SNOW.
Speaking of Latino, then Mr. Diaz's story- The 747 that not only tried to take off in a storm, but WENT DOWN THE WRONG WAY?????
So then he tells us his whole story- and you can tell how profoundly scary that must have been. He mentioned the other people being engulfed, and screaming, and heat. I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone.
Well, maybe Kim Jong Il.
So here's where the craziness started:
Oprah asked if he felt his survival was "divine", as in if he thought whether or not his escape was ordained somehow, and he said no.
But THEN he started saying that he saw "lights" leaving people's bodies, and he was convinced that it was their souls. He later said that he'd been changed in that he is now more empathetic towards people, and that he wants his aura to be as bright as possible.
and then he said it:
"I'm trying to get my aura much brighter than all of yours" !!!!!
Is getting your aura bright a COMPETITION???
Well, I guess to some. I write about that idea more in my personal blog.
"Teddy-Bear isn't a very manly (name), but..."
And there ya go- that's why this guy DEFIES DEATH by eating termites, jumping into frozen waters, bites fish's heads off, eats raw eggs, eats dead zebra carcasses and fights off sharks-
Because they called him "Teddy Bear"
So, instead of becoming an over-weight, furry, cuddly guy, he became "BEAR" and has his own SURVIVAL TV show.
And for the ladies- he got naked. I wanna get all those oohs and ahhhs when I get naked!
And then came the ELECTRIFYING experience!
Did you SEE those pants?
Bleeding out of his EYE?
Wait- 30 MILLION volts?
and what does he say?
"It hurt really bad"- They are friends for LIFE now!
Good thing he was praying to God to help him and his friend out of it:
"Dear God, please send someone to save us from the lightning you sent"
"Dear God, please help me to remember the CPR so I can save the friend you killed"
Yes, I sound cynical, but so what?
By the way- Flash Avalanches are why I don't ski.
Ok, Ok, also because I'm Latino- I like BEACHES, not SNOW.
Speaking of Latino, then Mr. Diaz's story- The 747 that not only tried to take off in a storm, but WENT DOWN THE WRONG WAY?????
So then he tells us his whole story- and you can tell how profoundly scary that must have been. He mentioned the other people being engulfed, and screaming, and heat. I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone.
Well, maybe Kim Jong Il.
So here's where the craziness started:
Oprah asked if he felt his survival was "divine", as in if he thought whether or not his escape was ordained somehow, and he said no.
But THEN he started saying that he saw "lights" leaving people's bodies, and he was convinced that it was their souls. He later said that he'd been changed in that he is now more empathetic towards people, and that he wants his aura to be as bright as possible.
and then he said it:
"I'm trying to get my aura much brighter than all of yours" !!!!!
Is getting your aura bright a COMPETITION???
Well, I guess to some. I write about that idea more in my personal blog.
Bones Rodriguez,
Man's guide to Oprah,
Oprah Winfrey
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